Note: This recipe was taken from an online course I've taken in the past.
600 g ice
200 g salt (preferably coarse salt)
¼ tsp vanilla extract (or another flavour of your choice)
100 g whole milk
90 g heavy cream
(Note: this method also works with other milks - soy, almond, rice, etc. for a non-dairy version. Just replace the cream and milk.)
- Fill a large resealable bag with the ice (the amount above or to about 1/3 full). Add the salt to the ice.
- In a separate small zip-lock bag, add the heavy cream, milk, sugar, and extract (or other flavor). Seal it, trying to press out air to maximize contact with the ice, and seal well.
- Place the small bag with the ice cream ingredients inside the large bag with ice. Place the entire package into a second large bag to prevent leaking.
- Massage, or gently toss the bag around until the ice cream becomes solid. If possible, try to do this on a cold surface so the ice doesn't melt. You should use oven mitts or hand towels to handle this part, so your hands don’t get cold, thus letting you massage the ice cream better; constant mixing is key to getting a good texture.
- Remove the small bag with ice cream from the large bag with ice. Wipe off the top of the small bag and then open it carefully. Test the consistency with a spoon - if it seems solid and delicious, you can serve it. If your ice cream isn't solid enough before the ice melts, add more ice and salt and repeat step 4 until it’s ready.